ultra fast, minimalistic, encrypted command line paste-bin
Define these functions somewhere in the dot files of your shell (works on all POSIX compliant shells).
# POSIX shell client to upload standard message
purr() {
curl --silent --data-binary "@${1:-/dev/stdin}" bsd.ac:42069;
# POSIX shell client to upload encrypted message
meow() {
key="$(openssl rand -hex 32)"
url="$(openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -K ${key} -iv 00000000000000000000000000000000 -e -base64 -A < ${1:-/dev/stdin} | purr)"
echo "${url%\/*}/paste.html#${url##*\/}_${key}"
You can paste the stdout
from a command, paste a file or paste while taking
input from a file or from the command line.
~$ purr c00lfile.txt
~$ purr < h0tfile.txt
~$ echo Hello world. | purr
~$ purr
This is my input
it can span multiple lines
<Ctrl-d to exit>
LIMITS (specific to bsd.ac):
- One paste every 3 seconds, abusers will be automatically banned for 10 minutes.
- Paste size limited to 64KB (larger pastes will be aborted).
- Connection in
is not encrypted, use any of the encrypted storage clients if you need full security.
In a encrypted storage setting, the paste is encrypted before sending it to the server.
Now the server will only be used as a storage bin and even in case of a non-https connection,
you are guaranteed that no one else will be able to read the data that you have sent.
Steps automatically done by the provided clients, on the client side:
- Randomly generate an ecryption key.
- Encrypt your data using said key, the encrypted data is called the cipher.
- Send the cipher to PurritoBin and get a stadard paste url as above, which will be converted to the form
The standard client is meow
, a companion to the above purr
, which is also POSIX compliant and should work in all shells. It has exactly the same usage as purr
, so please look at those examples to see how to use it.
The only dependency on the client side is the presence of LibreSSL or OpenSSL, to do the encryption.
There will be other clients in the clients folder, added on demand for other platforms, which will allow you to do all this automatically.
Pull requests for other clients are highly welcome.
- All the encryption is done on the client side.
- Only the cipher is sent to PurritoBin.
- The url only contains the encrypted cipher and has no knowledge of the actual data.
- When you visit the html webpage the key is in the hash property of the webpage, which is never sent to the server.
- All decryption is done inside the browser, using javascript, Crypto JS on the client side.
NOTE: Anyone who has the full link is going to be able to read the decrypted text. Only send the full hash included url to people you trust, through a secure communications channel.
The aim is to follow the KISS philosophy and only aim to do one thing. There are tools which manage to do the other things better, so make the current one as integrable as possible.
Purrito Bin is very, very easily integrated into any setup. It runs as an unprivileged user in a single directory without access to any other systems resource.
In OpenBSD, it is automatically pledges and unveils the bare minimum to function, so even in the case of a bug in the code, an attacker has no access to the system.
Pull requests to harden the code by default in linux and other operating systems are highly welcome.
- Auto slug generation and returning paste url.
- Efficient limiting of paste size by cutting off requests at threshold, stopping network blockage.
- Submission port for users to submit.
- You can run it on an internal system so that it is accessible only by the people inside the network.
- Server to browse the pastes
- Auto cleaning of pastes
- Use a cron job to manage this. It is a lot more efficient and also gives you more control.
- Request throttling
Clone the repository and compile
./purrito [ options ]
To install the program
make install
usage: purrito [-hdsipmg]
print this help
-d domain
domain that will be used as prefix of returned paste
NOTE: should be the full name, including trailing /
e.g. https://bsd.ac/
-s storage_directory
DEFAULT: /var/www/purritobin
path to the storage directory for storing the paste
NOTE: should exist prior to creation and should be
writable by the user running purrito
-i bind_ip
IP on which to listen for incoming connections
-p bind_port
DEFAULT: 42069
port on which to listen for connections
-m max_paste_size (in bytes)
DEFAULT: 65536 (64KB)
-g slug_size
Make sure that whatever link is provided to the -d
domain option, is also able to serve the paste.html
from this repository.
uNetworking: for their uWebSockets
brix: for their crypto-js
solusipse: for their fiche pastebin