
Feature request: fuzzy search

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Would be really nice if there was the option of having a fuzzy search for the launcher, I misspell things way too often.

It's already fuzzy for untyped characters. It's more tricky to be fuzzy for typed characters... If anyone has a good lib/algorithm, I'm okay with adding it. It's not something I feel like inventing myself, though.

In the meantime, a good advice is to find shorter substrings to write (e.g. to launch "Firefox Nightly", I just type "nig"). Less risk of typos.

I was thinking something like though I don't actually know how much better it is tbh

I just had a go, this doesn't actually help if you type the wrong character completely so maybe this isn't the best idea

You mean this one?

fuzzy-matcher = "0.2"


fair enough, I should definitely look at stuff harder before making silly issues