
rust-src component cannot be installed

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I need the rust-src component, so I did

rustup-toolchain-install-master -c rust-src

but that does not work:

fetching master commit hash... 
detecting the channel of the `b68fc18c45350e1cdcd83cecf0f12e294e55af56` toolchain...
downloading <>...
completed                                                                                                                                                                                                          downloading <>...
error: missing component `rust-src` on toolchain `b68fc18c45350e1cdcd83cecf0f12e294e55af56` on channel `nightly` for target `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`

Ah, the correct filename would be rust-src-nightly.tar.xz. The problem is that the tool adds the architecture to the filename.

I have a rather crude patch for this, but that doesn't seem right.

Well, it's not that crude, rust-src is the only component that doesn't change between targets.

It is really the only one? Well, submitted a PR: #13