
[Feature request] Add support for MiniMOTD

Opened this issue · 3 comments

As ServerListPlus is currently in Maintenance Only status, I recommend we add MiniMOTD support in a similar fashion to how it functions with SLP. I might be able to drum something up, but I don't do any java programming. I will mention a pull request here if I do manage something, however.

The added benefit of MiniMOTD is that is supports Minimessage, which will make config between Maintenance and MiniMOTD more similar.

I've looked into the code of each, and determined it will not be possible to do so with MiniMOTD (It doesn't have an API- BOOO /j)

I was wondering about this, however;

What do you think?

The maintenance motd should already take precedence over minimotd if you're on Paper (haven't tested it now, but it's been like that for a while). Although I also think it's better for the motd plugin to conditionally show their motd depending on Maintenance, since the other way around is more intrusive. Pretty sure advancedserverlist already does that

Agreed. Might file an issue in regards to this with MiniMOTD. Thank you for your insight.