Ruby Basics 1

Before start. Run bundle install and scripts/install-hooks.bash on the root of this repo.

Complete the exercises on the following directories:

  • 00hello_world - 1 point
  • 01say_hello - 2 points
  • 02bmi_calculator - 3 points
  • 03multiplier - 4 points
  • 04mario - 5 points
  • 05cash - 5 points

Modify exercise_name.rb inside each directory to fulfill the requirements (check Run exercise_name_test.rb to run the test for each exercise. When you try to commit your changes, rubocop will run automatically and will alert you about code style offenses. Resolve every offense otherwise you won`t be able to commit your work.

After commit your changes, push you changes to your Github repo. Github will update your grade in each push.