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Editing your bio

TLDR: follow the patterns you can see in content/about/employees.

$ hugo new about/employees/<your-name>/index.md # This will be part of the URL
$ cp /path/to/your/face.png content/about/employees/<your-name>/

Then make sure index.md is set up with something like this in the header:

title: "your name"
date: yyyy-mm-dd
  - name: photo
    src: <something>.png
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/<something>
email: <your-name>@xal.no

The date used should preferably be your date of employment in XAL.

Writing news

Create a new page with

$ hugo new posts/look-ma-im-a-blogger/index.md

then write something in it.

Running locally

Check the output with

$ hugo server -D

which serves the page at localhost:1313 with hot reloading and drafts enabled (the -D).


Pushing to master triggers an automatic deploy through Travis CI


For template creation and local build install hugo https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/:


sudo apt-get install hugo


sudo pacman -Syu hugo

or what ever creazy pkg manger you use.


If you have brew:

brew install hugo

if not get brew! Or Linux ;)