
Issues with some dates

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Can you have a look with
jieqi 雨水
daygangzhi 癸卯
hourgangzhi 己未

jieqi 雨水
daygangzhi 癸卯
hourgangzhi 庚申

jieqi 處暑
daygangzhi 癸卯
hourgangzhi 癸丑

jieqi 冬至
daygangzhi 癸卯
hourgangzhi 辛酉

jieqi 芒種
daygangzhi 癸卯
hourgangzhi 丙辰

for me it returns ['不適用,或試他法', '不適用,或試他法', '不適用,或試他法', '不適用,或試他法', '不適用,或試他法', '不適用,或試他法', '不適用,或試他法', '不適用,或試他法']

Thank you !

fixed. please update and try again

Thanks for answering,

I check but it brings much more issues now with zeike() returning None
ex :
jieqi : 小寒
daygangzhi 甲寅
hourgangzhi 丙寅

as well as many others dates

fixed and thanks for reporting the bugs

Thanks seems working perfectly now.

Could you if possible write a simple HTML code to present the results ?

thanks again !

Thanks seems working perfectly now.

Could you if possible write a simple HTML code to present the results ?

thanks again !

sorry, this is not provided.