- 0
Inconsistent number of columns
#26 opened by vincent-duret - 0
Non RFC based escaping support
#24 opened by DaveakX - 2
Cannot build
#17 opened by GarryLowther - 2
Flush not called when leaveOpen: true
#18 opened by Reonekot - 0
Help to read select rows from a csv file with different row & column structures
#22 opened by ke-senthilkumar - 1
#20 opened by chadbruels - 0
Convert perf tests to BenchmarkDotNet?
#19 opened by kentcb - 1
Unexpected behavior when setting CsvWriter.NewLine to something other than new line
#16 opened by ChaosBladeCoder - 2
Nuget package for PCL Profile 259 missing
#13 opened by ehuna - 3
Not able to import the text containing quotes in the some of the use cases
#15 opened by NeelamKatwe - 2
new CsvReader("data.csv")) ?
#14 opened by colgreen - 1
Add ability to ignore some properties
#9 opened by pogione - 2
LINQ integration
#2 opened by kentcb - 2
Add further examples to quick start
#8 opened by kentcb - 1
RFC 4180 Conformance
#12 opened by kentcb - 2
Change names to shorter
#4 opened by dzmitry-lahoda - 0
- 0
Create an icon
#11 opened by kentcb - 1
- 1
Create .NET 4.0 Nuget package
#7 opened by dzmitry-lahoda - 1
- 0
- 1
Header record cannot be preceded by new lines
#1 opened by kentcb