
Help add quizzes!

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I added a quizzes directory and intend on adding a few quiz functions for every concept to be used before/while teaching the concept. If anyone wants to help make those, please do! I recorded this video explaining how it works and stuff!

Hi @kentcdodds , I have learned so much about ES6 and Webpack from your guides and tutorials. I would like to contribute and help anyway I can.

Where should I start?

I already checked the list of features. Do you feel creating an epic would help?

Hey @alayek!
Thanks for all of the contributions! This is super!

Before you get too far down on these contributions, let me explain a little bit about what I'm looking for. I'm going to be using these quizzes as a way to teach. So during the quizzes portion of the workshop, everyone's attention will be on me. They wont pull up the code examples themselves. And I'll show them a quiz and ask them what they thing it will return based on the code in there (like the let/const examples) or I'll tell them that we can refactor one thing to another and ask them to think what the refactored state will look like. This will challenge their intuition and then I'll demonstrate with the quiz function how things work which will confirm or correct their intuition.

So it's important that the comments/examples for each quiz facilitate this type of interaction. They wont be changing the code themselves. There's no need for tests or anything. It will be an interactive thing where I'm driving the keyboard and they're watching. Then when I'm through, they'll go to the tests in exercises to do things on their own. So, the best way to think of quiz ideas is to look at the tests and build quizzes based on what they'll be required to do in the tests.

I hope that's helpful. I'll give your PRs a look when I get the chance (soon hopefully). Thank you!

Oh, and don't forget to add yourself to the contributors table! Thanks!

Thanks @kentcdodds ! I will raise a separate PR for adding myself to contributors table ๐Ÿ˜ธ

Hey @alayek,

Thanks so much for all of your contributions so far! I just pushed a commit that made a few changes to your quizzes and added a few thing that I think you'll find interesting. A few specific things to note:

  1. Put solutions at the bottom
  2. I added eslint checking to the quiz files. If there's a reason you need to disable something (to demonstrate the feature or something) then take a look at the bottom of 07_parameters.js to see how to do that. Probably the biggest two things that I changed about your examples was removing semicolons and using function declarations rather than arrow functions for the helpers.
  3. Don't use .test in the filename.
  4. Have each quiz return something that can be console.loged
  5. In the console.log at the top, put each quiz on its own line with a trailing comma (see the other quizzes for an example of what I mean)

Also, make sure that things actually run. One of the quizzes had a syntax error I didn't spot when I merged it ๐Ÿ˜…. Just run npm run quiz and have things run as you work.

Thanks again so much for all your help! You've been super! ๐ŸŽ‰

Oh, and don't forget to add yourself to the contributors table! You deserve it!