
The view animation is now working, if using with IIViewDeckController.

krazie99 opened this issue · 8 comments

There's no crash but, when call the method "presentSemiViewController", the slide up animation not working. It looks like "presentModalView animated:NO".
I can't solve the problem.

IIViewDeckController + KNSemiModalViewController.

Have you checked the other questions?

Already, I checked. but, I have no idead ;=(

This is what happen to me :

If you can send me the entire code maybe I can help. The problem with other libraries are difficult to determine.

You can zip and give a link to that file here.

Here is Download :
Thank you so much.

Why are you not using ARC?

You have a very bad code structure. There is nothing wrong with KNSemiModal.

// [self presentSemiViewController:navController];
[self presentSemiViewController:[[UIViewController alloc] init]];

I did a "control" test and it is working fine.

NOTE TO OTHERS: Do NOT ask for support for IIViewDeckController anymore. There is nothing wrong with it and my library. It is your code!

I have been solved this problem.
please use window.rootViewController, not self to call presentSemiViewController....
this is my code , hope it will hepl you.

[[AppDelegate sharedAppDelegate].window.rootViewController presentSemiViewController:shareViewController withOptions:@{
                                                         KNSemiModalOptionKeys.pushParentBack    : @(YES),
                                                         KNSemiModalOptionKeys.animationDuration : @(0.3),
                                                         KNSemiModalOptionKeys.shadowOpacity     : @(0.3),
                                                         KNSemiModalOptionKeys.parentScale       : @(0.95),

this is dismiss:

  if ([[AppDelegate sharedAppDelegate].window.rootViewController respondsToSelector:@selector(dismissSemiModalView)]) {
    [[AppDelegate sharedAppDelegate].window.rootViewController dismissSemiModalView];