
[Debug Log] Regular Expression Fails to Fully Redact Passwords Containing Quotation Marks

Closed this issue · 3 comments

While troubleshooting the login issues with a missing LFM API key, I noticed that the current, although temporary, implementation of redacting passwords fails to handle cases where the password itself includes a quotation mark (").

This could lead to an unsuspecting user accidentally disclosing their password or part of it, depending on the placement of the quotation mark, when (carelessly ^^) sharing logs.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Enable Request Logs
  • Enter wrong login credentials with the password "visible
  • Go to Debug -> All - and copy the Authservice.Login entry
  • It will show [Body]: {"password":"[REDACTED]"visible","username":"Username"}

Affected code:

// FIXME: temporary solution
let debugResponse = response.debugDescription.replacingOccurrences(
of: #""password"\s*:\s*"[^"]*""#,
with: #""password":"[REDACTED]""#,
options: .regularExpression

yeah the current pattern is very problematic — still figuring out how to strip the body part since the more important is the headers

the regex is updated. i think it works now

closing this as of #27