This repo contains teaching material and assignments for ReDI School in Munich JavaScript course for 2020 Spring semester.
- Explain homework workflow in the course
- rules of the course
- explanation of final projects
- what is expected of students
- what could be expected from teachers
- logistics, where and what time
- laptop checkup
- Chrome
- github
- Vscode
- Homework:
- build base page project structure
- file system
- html structure
- basic css
- finish basic page
- x div, x p
- use x css rules
- create github account
- install git
- create your project repo
- configure master to be protected
- invite teachers to collab on your repo
- commit your homework
- push
- create pull request
- how do code review changes and push those changes
- how to merge PR when all is done...
- how to revert that merge
- introduce variables and basic functions
- html query selector
- Class work:
- init first page of project
- create a button that console.log
- Homework:
- add onClick to burger menu icon
- TODO: add description
- classwork:
- create simple Calculator
- recap what we learend so far
- one more event: mouseover/mouseleave
- practice
- Classwork:
- Practice button mouseover/mouseleave events
- Homework:
- create PR with finished classwork
- introduction to concept of object
- attributes
- nested objects
- querySelector
- Homework:
- start creating online store page with some goods
- what are arrays
- how to create them
- how to add to them
- updateing them
- the length property
- how to remove an item
- thinking in arrays
- classwork: playing with random wikipedia articles 📜
- review objects and arrays.
- what are loops.
- For loop structure.
- Examples using for loop.
- Array iteration methods.
- classwork: Shopping Store.
- function parameters and arguments.
- return statement.
- callback.
- classwork: converters and speed calculator.
- if else.
- switch case.
- string and number comparison.
- classwork: guessing game.
- What is debugging?
- How do I debug?
- Differences between Browsers.
- classwork: practice debugging.
- Some bits about a scoping
- Recap lesson for what we've leared in this course