
Update/maintain agenda and meeting notes

bhack opened this issue · 7 comments

bhack commented

Agenda and meeting notes are totally outdated/unmaintained:

Hi! The November and January meetings were cancelled, however we've updated the doc with the notes and deck from the meeting in December. Starting with today's meeting (February) the notes doc will continue being updated regularly. Thank you

bhack commented

Ok please we need to find to a way to have also an agenda before the meeting as in other SIG.

bhack commented

I think we need to regular maintain the doc. If not we need to open and close this ticket every time.

bhack commented

@joanafilipa This is still an open issue the document is always unmaintained.

bhack commented

Any news on this?

bhack commented

After more than 1 year this ticket is still valid and we are receiving also many "false positive" calendar reminders/notifications (also today).

/cc @theadactyl @yarri-oss