
add resnet18 and resnet34

dulucas opened this issue ยท 11 comments

Hi! could you please add resnet18 and resnet34 with their pre-trained weights on Imagenet? Thanks!

I also think this would be a good addition - Resnet50 can be a bit heavy for some tasks. Are there any reasons for them not being included? It seems fairly straight-forward to add these configurations to the existing codebase.

Also because there is another Resnet implementation in Keras Contrib including 18 and 34.

WurmD commented

Some feedback here about for reasons it's not included would be appreciated.
Also, keras-contrib says "is deprecated. Use TensorFlow Addons.", but the folder which includes resnet18 is not currently in

Hi all, I use resnet model provided in this repo instead and it works fine for me,

Yeah, it would be great if they're included.

Also agree. If you have all the blocks for ResNet50, ResNet101, ResNet152, why not adding a basic structure as keras_contrib does so you can create your own ResNet?

For anyone looking for a maintained official implementation, it is available in tensorflow/models.
There is however a slight "bug" in the implementation because it has an extra convolution compared to the paper and to PyTorch, but I created a PR to fix it.

The model is now in keras-cv after this PR.