
Add "The One Hundred Layers Tiramisu" model

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I implemented the "The One Hundred Layers Tiramisu" model as a part of Google Code-In. The code can be viewed in this Google Colab.

Because there is no image segmentation model available as a part of this repository yet, I would like to contribute by adding the model. I have added another model to another TensorFlow repository, which I also built as a part of Google Code In. Adding the repository is not a part of the task, but I would still like to do it because it benefits the community.

I don't think pre-trained weights are available for this particular model. Considering other models in this repository do provide pre trained weights, will that be a problem? In the worst case we can train the model ourselves and use those weights.

I'm not sure how adding a model works in this repository, since is empty. Can I fork this repository, add the model, and create a PR?

Has anyone had time to look into this yet?