
How to contribute?

Opened this issue · 18 comments

I'm Chinese and would like to contribute to the keras docs-zh translation.
Is there any ways that we can help and share the task? Thanks.

I'm Chinese and I have the same question !

You can submit a PR translating a file in sources/ (or part of a file). Files should be translated in-place (i.e. you just edit the file).

ypwhs commented

Maybe you can reference this repository:

We need to wait for the conventions to be set before translating the doc, right?

You can fork the code and commit your translations, and then make a new pull request.

@gaussic I meant we don't have the conventions to follow if we start translating now.

Feel free to make up the conventions as you go. When you settle on appropriate terms, please update the README, so that others can be on the same page.

I've just read the conventions from the fchollet/keras-docs-ja repo. Maybe we could make a Chinese version like this.

Keras documentationの日本語訳化


  • 翻訳対象は本文とコード中のコメント
  • 本文は敬体(です・ます調)
  • 句読点は「,.」を用いる
  • 引用符(',")は基本的にそのまま
  • 記号「,.()?!:;」は全角
  • 文中のシンタックスハイライト(syntax highlight)の前後に空白は入れない.
  • 用語の訳は対訳表に従う.

※ 翻訳は英語から日本語へのただの変換作業ではなく,英文の意味を読み取り,日本語として表現する創作作業です.

I mean it's not difficult.


Well, I've already translated keras docs into Chinese, see

@MoyanZitto would you like to move the contents to

@fchollet Does the contributor need to reserve the original English text and put Chinese text under English text, or replace English text with Chinese text directly?

The CN version of keras docs contains not only all contents of but also some application advice. I re-organize the contents for better display, so it I need to make many modifications to fit the offered file structure( also some relative links need to be modified).
It may take some time....
How about just add a link on to'll keep updating it.

of course, if you want to manage all keras-cn/jp/xxx docs and offer them in some unified way. I'd like to commit my docs to this repo.

@tarvos21 the translation should be in-place, so the English content should be deleted and replaced with Chinese content.

@MoyanZitto that's great, please create PR(s) in this repo. For the time being the way to upload docs to will be via collaborative repos like this one. But if you have suggestions for a different setup, I'm listening.

I am Chinese and I am also willing to offer help. On the documentation website, it seems a lot modules waiting to be translated. Where should I start?

@jiashenC you can check out the source files here:

You can edit these files directly and open a PR on this repo.

In order to read locally when learning the Keras Deep Learning Library, I have finished the LaTex version of the keras-docs-zh, I hope this will help someone.

Thanks for the Chinese translation work done by keras-team.