
How to make individual predictions using the FNet example?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Issue Type




Keras Version

Keras 2.14

Custom Code


OS Platform and Distribution

Linux Ubuntu

Python version

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GPU model and memory

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Current Behavior?

Once I have used the script for the creation of an FNet network, I want to make predictions on individual entries, however, doing it this way generates an array with several values and there should only be 2. How to make individual predictions using the predict method?


Standalone code to reproduce the issue or tutorial link

When I use predict, I got a vector with shape (32, 3)

fnet_classifier.predict(({"input_ids": [tokenizer("Hi, I'm Erick")]}))

Relevant log output

No response

Using the same example when I predicted I got the shape 16,1

fnet_classifier.predict(({"input_ids": [tokenizer("Hi, I'm Erick")]})).shape
16/16 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 4ms/step
(16, 1)

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