
Skip inconsistent models

Opened this issue · 2 comments

vallsv commented

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Playing this CNN models with different kernel size and alignment it sounds like a bit tricky to be able to launch the tuner.
Often it results in a wrong model.

It sounds like it's a question which was already asked, but now, do you have any solution for that?

Describe the solution you'd like

I feel like it could be fixed user side, in the callback which returns the model.

This callback could return an exception keras_tuner knows (for example kt.InvalidModel), to let them skip silently this combination of hyperparameters.

As the combination on it's own have no meaning for keras tuner, I don't see other good solution. And it probably could be used for different use cases (such as the amount of parameters, or what even).

I can try to play with that idea if you like.

What do you think?

vallsv commented

Sounds like we can already raise a FailedTrialError() from the user model_builder, for an early skip of a model.
Ill try that next time i have the hands on.

vallsv commented

It is not working.
But it sounds like such "skip" behavior would be easy to implement the same way.