
This project was developed with Swing library.

Primary LanguageJava

Stock Tracking and Sales Project

This project was developed with Swing library.

👉 The program is run through the MainScreen.java file and the main menu opens as follows.

🎉🎉 Main Screen 🎉🎉

Main screen

👉 Stockist presses the STOCK ENTRY button.

👉 Then logs into the system with the user name and password and presses the login button. If he successfully logs into the system, dialog box will appear.

👉 Then stock screen opens. After that stockist press the Retrieve button for fetching data from database.

✅ Login Screen

Login successful message (login screen)

Stock screen (Before product is added)

Stok ekranı (ekleme işlemi yapılmadan önce)

👉 When product was added from stockist and pressed Add button, stockist sees message as dialog box.

✅ Stock screen (After product is added)

Stok ekranı (ekleme işlemi yapıldıktan sonra)

👉 For example, the stockist will update the product price and number of stock as follows.

Stock screen (Before product information was updated)

Stok ekranı (ürün bilgisi güncellenmeden önce)

👉 When the product's price and number of stock are changed and then the Update button is pressed, the price and number of stock will be updated according to the Item No value of the selected row.

Stock screen (After product information was updated)

Stok ekranı (ürün bilgisi güncellendikten sonra)

👉 If the stockist is going to delete the product he added to the table from the list, he selects the row. 👉 Then press the delete button. Then the product is deleted from the table.

Stock screen (Product deletion)

Stok ekranı (silme işlemi yapılmadan önce)

👇 A dialog box will appear as below.

Stok ekranı (silme işlemi yapıldıktan sonra)

👉 If a customer wants to buy a product, customer will press the SALES button from the Main Screen. :point_right: Then the sales screen will open. Customer will see the products in the list. :point_right: According to which criteria the customer wants to buy the product, customer makes the markings. Then customer filters by pressing the Search button.

✅ Filtering ✅

Satış ekranı (marka işlemci ram ve ssdye göre filtreleme)

👉 The customer chooses the product he wants to buy from the table. 👉 Then the customer presses the add to cart button. 👉 Then the customer sets the quantity value at the bottom of the cart. 👉 When the customer clicks the add button, he sees the quantity and the current stock number.

✅ Adding the product to the cart ✅

Satış ekranı (seçili ürünün sepete eklenmesi)

👉 Then, when the customer presses the Purchase button, customer sees a Warning message on the screen. :point_right: If customer presses the OK button, the credit card payment screen appears. :point_right: If customer presses the Cancel button, customer will not make payment.

Satış ekranı (purchase butonuna bastıktan sonra çıkan onay mesajı)

** 💳 Payment Screen 😉 **

Payment screen

🚫 If credit card information is missing

Payment screen (Uyarı mesajı)

✅ If payment is successful

Payment screen (Ödeme başarılı)