
CreaturePack build error on Clang/Linux

NuLL3rr0r opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm trying out Creature on UE4/Clang/Linux and I got CreaturePlugin with a bit of modification to build on Clang/Linux. Unfortunately, CreaturePack has build issues too and gives me the following build error:

LogCompile: /path/to/some/project/Plugins/CreaturePlugin/Source/CreaturePlugin/Public/CustomProceduralMeshComponent.h(105): Error: struct: 'ProceduralMeshVertex' conflicts with class name Error: struct: 'ProceduralMeshVertex' conflicts with class name

Error: UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'SomeProject' (platform: Linux, module info: LogInit:Warning: Still incompatible or missing module:
LogInit:Warning: Still incompatible or missing module:

By the way, I'm not sure what is the difference between CreaturePlugin and CreaturePack and why adding CreaturePack causes build error inside CreaturePlugin.


You only use CreaturePack if you want a pure point cache playback of Creature characters.
Please read:

To learn about the difference. Are both plugins built in the same project? That might be the reason for the naming conflict. I will look into renaming one the ProceduralMeshVertex objects sometime to avoid this conflict. That is my guess since ProceduralMeshVertex also exists in CreaturePlugin.

@NuLL3rr0r Another update: I just checked in a change to CreaturePack, renaming the vertex and triangle data structures. I successfully included both plugins into a project and it built through.

Thank you so much for the quick fix. I tried to build the both plugins in one project and it builds just fine.

And, thanks for this awesome 2D tool and the extra information :)