
UIVisualEffectView 0x149a68280> is being asked to animate its opacity.

multinerd opened this issue · 2 comments

everywhere i use this framework in my code, i get the debugger message <UIVisualEffectView 0x149a68280> is being asked to animate its opacity. This will cause the effect to appear broken until opacity returns to 1.

code used

RTGDatesTVC *cal = [[UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"RTGSales"
                                              bundle:nil] instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"RTGDatesTVC"];
cal.dateDelegate = self;
cal.contentSizeInPopup = CGSizeMake((MNScreen_Size).width, 400);
cal.landscapeContentSizeInPopup = CGSizeMake((MNScreen_Size).width, 200);
cal.title = @"Pick a date";
cal.listOfDates = listOfDateRanges;

STPopupController *popupController = [[STPopupController alloc] initWithRootViewController:cal];
if (NSClassFromString(@"UIBlurEffect")) {
    popupController.backgroundView = [[UIVisualEffectView alloc] initWithEffect:[UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleDark]];
} = STPopupStyleBottomSheet;
[popupController presentInViewController:self];

@multinerd it's because UIVisualEffectView is used as the background view. The visual effect will be sort of not working when STPopup is animating the background view, but everything will be fine after the animation is finished. It won't actually affect the UI though.

ok, thanks for clarifying