
A web interface to music playback on Android devices

Primary LanguageJava


Version 0.0.9, January 2023

A web interface to the Android audio player -- control your media playback using a browser.

Warning -- old, old code

Please note that this app has been largely unchanged since 2015. I've made only the minimum necessary changes to keep it working on the Android devices I own. The most recent device I've tested is the Samsung Galaxy s10.

The app has many problems. The genre support that I mentioned as being problematic back in 2015 remains a problem -- it's shockingly slow (minutes, with more than a hundred or so albums). This is a crude, unsatisfactory app, and I only continue to maintain it because I can't find anything else that does the same thing. If anybody knows of a superior alternative -- ideally open-source -- please tell me, so I can let this project quietly fade away.

Please bear in mind that the latest Android version that this app can currently target is 4.4 (API level 19). While it does seem to work on later devices, this API level is too early for the app to be accepted by any app store that I know of, even if I wanted to publish it that way. Although the app builds with the SDK for API level 31, it fails strangely on many devices.

As I said, this is very old code, that really ought to be allowed to rest in peace.

What is this?

Android Music Server provides a web browser interface to control playback of audio files stored on most modern (4.x-11.0) Android devices. This allows the Android device to be used as a music server, in multi-room audio applications, among other things. I normally keep my Android phone docked, with a permanent USB connection to an audio DAC. This arrangement produces good quality audio playback, but I don't always have the pone within reach. It's awkward to fiddle with the little screen when it's docked, anyway. Providing a web interface -- albeit a crude one -- allows me to control playback from a web browser.

Audio tracks can be selected using the browser from a list of albums, or directly from the filesystem (but see notes below). You can restrict the album listing to particular genres or particular artists rather than displaying all albums on the same page. Album cover art images can be displayed (but see notes below about this, too).

The browser user interface looks like this:


While the app itself (which will probably never be used, apart from starting and stopping it) looks like this:


Android Music Server uses no Android feature introduced since about 2015, so it stands a chance of working on any relatively modern device. The most recent reported to work is the Samsung S10, but there's no particular reason why more recent versions won't work.

Android Music Server is open-source, free of charge, and has no advertisements. It's easy to build from source if you have the Android SDK available.


  • Simple web interface -- works on most desktop web browsers and many mobile browsers
  • Integrates with the Android media catalogue -- browse by album, artist, genre, composer, or track
  • Supports file/folder browsing (if the Android version does)
  • Media catalogue text search
  • Equalizer
  • Cover art (both baked-in and album-folder images)
  • Playback control by headset or remote control


Android Music Server will never be available from any any app store, because I can't afford to pay money to distribute stuff free-of-charge. Sorry.

To install, download the APK package from the Downloads section at the end of this page, copy it to your Android device, and install it using any file manager. Or simply download the APK directly from this page using your Android device's Web browser.
You may have to tell your device to allow apps from unknown suppliers. If you're worried that this app might transmit all your secret passwords to villains, you're welcome to inspect and build the application yourself.


This version of Android Music Sever is designed be built using gradle, the gradle Android plugin, and the Android SDK for API level 19. With these things all in place, you should be able to build using:

$ ./gradlew build

You may need to create a local.properties file indicating the location of the Android SDK files:


A successful build will produce APK files in app/build/outputs/apk.


Android Music Server will request the "Read SD card" permission. In Android terminology, "SD card" covers both internal and plug-in storage.


Android Music Server is designed to run quietly in the background, so it has no complicated Android user interface. When you start the app, if all is well you'll see the URL to which you should point your web browser. The Web server listens on port 30000 by default, but this can be changed from the settings page. If there are problems, which will generally be network-related, you'll see an error message. The app displays some information about the audio track that is currently playing, if there is one, and provides some buttons to control playback, in a rudimentary way. The "Shutdown" button shuts the application down completely, including its background service.

All real operation of the app is from a Web browser. I hope that the browser interface is relatively self-explanatory -- just select an album from one of the various lists and click "Play now", or "Add" to append the tracks to the playlist. Alternatively, click the "Files" link at the bottom of the page and navigate the filesystem to find some audio files. Or just click "Random" to play a randomly-selected album.

You can operate Android Music Server using a web browser on the device itself (if the browser has adequate JavaScript support -- most now do); but the app is really intended to be operated from a browser on a different machine. It is intended for remote control of music playback; there are many good media players for on-device operation. In any event, the browser user interface may not display very well on a small screen.

Android Music Server responds to remote control events -- from a bluetooth headset with control buttons, for example. In particular, it responds to play, pause, step, next track, and previous track events. Of course, for next track and previous track to work, there must be something in the playlist.

Usage notes

This app is intended to work with relatively modest collections of audio files, that are relatively tidily organized. All lists (of albums, artists, etc) are displayed on a single, possibly long page. In practice it seems to work reasonably well with collections of a few hundred albums, but the user interface will struggle with thousands of albums, particularly if you choose to display cover art. The capacity of the app in this regard really depends on the CPU speed and memory of the Android device. However, my experience is that even really fast, modern devices like the Samsung S10 don't devote a lot of resource to servicing remote clients.

In general Android Music Server assumes (as Android generally does) that audio tracks are organized into albums, and that at least the album, title, and artist tags are filled in. To play an album in the right order it also assumes that the track number tag is filled in, or that the titles when arranged into alphabetical order will give the same ordering as the original album. Everything about this application will work somewhat better if files are thoroughly and consistently tagged -- but that's true of most music players. I'm told that "free music downloaders" (bootlegging utilities, in other words) do not fill in tags properly, and you can end up with two thousand tracks in the same album, all called "null". Still, if you sup with the Devil, as the saying goes, you're advised to use a long spoon.

The web interface is completely stateless; that is, everything it needs to know is captured in the URL supplied by the browser. So you can freely bookmark albums, or artists, or filesystem locations for quick reference.

Sadly, filesystem browsing won't work well with Android releases after 6.x or thereabouts -- the ability to read anything other than very specific locations has been removed. Worse, there's no reasonably-straightforward, reliable, robust, way to determine which filesystem locations might contain audio, and be readable. In my darker moments, I think that Google is deliberately trying to find new ways to break my apps. In any case, there's no point complaining to me about this -- go hassle Google, for what good that will do. In any case, the main page presents some fileststem locations that might be readable but, then again, might not. You'll notice that, when requesting a file listing, the URL issued by the browser contains the attribute path=/xxx. If you happen to know which directory contains audio files, and can be read, you can edit (and, presumably, bookmark) the path manually. For example, if your device supports plug-in SD cards, the root of the SD card is probably something like /storage/XXX-XXXX, and you might be able to find the value of 'XXXX-XXXX' using a file manager.

When browsing the filesystem (on devices that support this), you can add files one at a time to the playlist, or add the directory that contains them. The app will filter out playable audio files from other types, so it should be OK to click "Add" on a directory with mixed content. Note that the Add function in a directory only searches that specific directory -- it won't descend into subdirectories.

If you connect a Bluetooth audio device (e.g., headset) whilst this app is playing (through speaker or wired headphones), then audio should automatically be diverted to the headset. However, you might need to stop the app, or at least stop playback, to route audio back to the speaker. This slightly odd behaviour is, so far as I know, not a feature of this program -- other Android media players behave the same way.

The browser interface updates every five seconds, so don't expect mouse-clicks to be reflected immediately in the browser (although, of course, they should have immediate effect on the audio). This five-second update time is to reduce load on the Android device.

If you click "Play now" on a track whilst an item in the playlist is being played, then playback will resume at the next playlist item when playback of the selected track finishes, if there is anything left to play in the playlist.

You can control the volume of playback by clicking on the loudspeaker buttons in the menu bar at the top of each page, or by going to the "Equalizer, etc" link from the home page, and tweaking the volume slider.
If you're using a headset, it might have its own volume controls; if it does, it probably sets the volume on the headset itself, not on the device. So, in that case, to get full volume you probably need to turn up the volume both on the headset and in this application.

Not a feature of this app, but it's helpful to know that some folders that contain media can be removed from the oversight of the Android media scanner by creating an empty file called .nomedia in those directories. This can be useful for preventing ringtones and the like from appearing in the album list; but bear in mind that this trick affects all apps that use the media scanner.

Cover art

If you choose to browse albums including covers, then the app will attempt to find some cover art to display. The places it looks are as follows.

First, the app will ask the Android media catalogue if any track in the specified album has an embedded image. If it does, then the first track that can provide an image does so. In practice, the Android media catalogue seems to be limited to returning "baked in" images, that is, images that are part of an ID3 tag or similar.

Second, the app will look in the directory that contains the track file, for an image file that looks like it might contain cover art. At present, it considers files names folder or cover, perhaps with a leading "." (hidden files), and with extensions .jpg or .png. These names are in lower-case only. Naturally, this process will only produce good results if folders contain only tracks from the same album.

The cover art extraction process is subject to a number of limitations.

First, baked-in cover-art images can be quite large -- perhaps even photo-sized. Returning all the images on a page containing, say, a list of two hundred albums is a challenge for an Android device. If the browser is also on a mobile device, then the difficulty is compounded. The music server therefore attempts to avoid sending images if it can avoid doing so. It sets an Expires header one hour in the future for all images, and sets a Last-Modified header on all images based on the time the app starts up. In principle, therefore, the browser should not request images very frequently. But...

Second, mobile browsers in particular are often stupid when it comes to handling date headers. Many ignore them completely, and just blindly request all images in every page. Apart from choosing to browse without covers, there's little that can be done to avoid this problem, if you have a stupid browser.

Moreover, we don't know the actual last-modified time of a baked-in cover image, because it isn't stored. The music server uses its start-up time as the modification baseline, lacking any better information. What this means is that if you restart the app whilst the browser still has images in its cache, the browser will get confused: because the image has a last-modified date in the future, but in the browser's cache it has not yet expired. Clearing the browser cache usually fixes this problem.

Genre support

Android Music Server provides a list of genres, to make it easy to restrict the listing of albums to specific genres. Needless to say, for this to work the audio files must have valid genre tags. It doesn't really matter what they actually are, but they must at least be meaningful to the user.

Querying the Android media catalogue for genre information is excruciatingly slow. I believe that there is some problem with the internal search implementation, which seems to require the whole genre catalogue to be expanded into tracks and then a query run against each track. Whatever the reason, with large numbers of tracks (more than a few hundred) some short-cuts have to be taken. The app therefore assumes that each track in an album has the same genre and, when searching which albums match a genre, only the first track is checked. Of course, it's not all that unusual for different tracks to have different genres in the same album, but testing them all is simply unfeasibly slow in Android.

Genres that have no associated tracks are silently ignored.

Artist support

When an entry is selected from the Artist list, any album that contains at least one track attributed to that artist is included in the album list. That is, an album doesn't have to be limited to a single artist to be included in that artist's listing.

It's not at all uncommon for an album to contain tracks by many different artists. If many albums are of that type, the artist list could be very long.

Android Music Server is entirely at the mercy of the Android media scanner, when it comes to figuring out which tag in the audio file actually represents the artist. Many tag formats, particularly ID3v2, allow multiple artists, of multiple tasks. If all these tags are filled in, it's essentially pot luck which one will be used.

Playlist operations

On the Playlist page you can shuffle or clear the playlist, if it is not empty. Clicking either of the relevant links causes the page to refresh but, because the HTTP requests made using JavaScript are asynchronous, it can't be guaranteed that the playlist has changed on the server before the page is refreshed. You might need to refresh the page explicitly if changes to the playlist do not show up immediately.

Shuffling only changes the order in which items appear in the playlist -- if something is playing when you shuffle, the change in ordering will only be apparent when that track is finished.


The settings page (in the app's user interface, not the browser) provides some modest control over operation of the app -- the number of items displayed on each browser page, for example. There is no easy way to guess the appropriate settings -- they depend on the capabilities of the Android device and of the web browser in use. If you are primarily interacting with the music server through a desktop browser, for example, you'll probably be able to set higher values of the number of items on each page.

As with most Android settings pages, the changed settings take effect when you click the "back" button to get back to the main screen.


There is a search box in the top menu bar of the web interface. The music server does a very simple, case-insensitive search for the text string, which may appear anywhere in any album, artist, composer, or track title. The number of matches of each category (album, artist, etc) that are displayed on the results page can be controlled using the Settings page.

Android media catalogue issues

Android maintains a catalogue of media files and their metadata (tags). When a file is added using a USB connection, or presented to the device on an SD card or similar, Android reads the metadata and updates the catalogue. Android Music Server relies entirely on this catalogue for information about albums, artists, etc. Two problems arise from the app's use of the media catalogue.

First, the application has to scan the catalogue to get lists of albums, artists, etc., for the display. This process is not usually very time-consuming, but not something that we want to do regularly. In principle, the music server could hook into the media scanner and rescan every time a file is added or deleted, but many files will be of no interest to the application (documents, pictures...), and rescanning like this could be overzealous. Instead, there is a link on the home page 'Rescan the media catalog.' This will cause the music server to rebuild its own lists of albums, artists, etc., from Android's catalogue. Of course, you could just restart the app.

The second problem is that the media catalogue can sometimes get out-of-sync with the contents of storage. This isn't usually a problem with files added by USB, but can be a problem with files on removeable storage devices, and is particularly a problem if files are moved around using a general file manager (or, worse, at a command prompt, although most users probably won't do that).

The link 'Rescan the filesystem' will ask Android to start a complete rescan of the filesystem. Android is completely at liberty to ignore this request and, in later versions, is increasingly willing to exactly that. With Android 5 and later, rebooting may be the only way to force a complete rescan. Note that the Music Server user interface will not wait for the rescan, and rescanning the filesystem does not imply that the music server app will rescan Android's media catalogue (because it has no way to know when the filesystem rescan is finished, if it even started.)

Supported devices

Android Music Server is known to work on at least the following devices. Feel free to report others that work or don't work.

  • Samsung Note 8, with Android 9.0
  • Google Nexus 7 second gen., with Android 4.4.4
  • Google Nexus 7 first gen., with Android 5.1.0
  • Samsung Galaxy S3, with Android 4.4.2
  • Samsung Note 3, with Android 4.4.2


In general, Android Music Server supports whatever audio formats the device itself supports. When listing audio tracks by album/artist/etc you should never see anything that can't be played (unless it's actually a movie that Android has incorrectly identified as music). When listing files on the filesystem, you should also never see files that can't be played, because the app won't display files whose names do not end in a recognized audio extension, like .MP3 or .FLAC -- it's just too time-consuming to have to scan each file and try to work out its contents. This does mean that some files that could, in fact, be played never get listed.

The are particular issues regarding the display of cover art: please see the section "Cover art" above.

Some Android devices are factory-configured to prevent any incoming network connection. Sorry but, without rooting the device, there's no way to change that, and this app simply won't work. Similarly, if your Android implementation shuts down the WiFi radio to save power when the screen blanks then, again, this app won't work.

Android Music Server relies heavily on JavaScript to create and manage its web user interface. Your browser needs decent JavaScript support -- the browser on the android device itself might not be up to the job (but Chrome, at least, seems to work pretty well.)

Only WIFI operation is supported -- you won't be able to connect to the app over a mobile network. Even if the app allowed this, most likely the network would not.

The app will not respond very well to changes in WIFI status -- if you change access points, for example -- and you'll probably need to restart it in such cases.

Android Music Server relies for its tag (e.g., album) support entirely on the Android media scanner. If this isn't working (which is relatively common), results will be variable. The app queries the media scanner when it starts, so media added after starting may not be visible (even if the scanner is working), unless you click the "Rescan media catalogue" link in the home page. Please see the section 'Android media catalogue issues' for more information.

One particular oddity of the Android media scanner is that it will sometimes present video files as 'Music,' presmumably because they have soundtracks. This app doesn't play video, so these entries in the album list are an irritation.

Whilst you can skip forward and back between tracks in the playlist, there is no general foward/rewind facility within a specific track. This is a tricky thing to implement within a web interface.

The app does not choose an open port for its built-in web server -- this would be easy to implement, but users would probably prefer the port number to remain the same between sessions. If the port number clashes with something else, or is out of the permitted range, an error message should be displayed.

There is quite a subtle limitation inherent in the way Android audio works. Android Music Server registers itself to receive remote control events (e.g., from a headset), but only when audio is playing. So you can select play/pause, next track, and previous track, if your headset has buttons for these functions. However, if you do a "stop" operation (if your hardware supports it), you won't be able to start again, or use remote control at all, until you resume playback using the web interface. The reason this limitation exists is that the app is designed to run in the background, and perhaps be idle a lot of the time. If it took over the remote control when it was running, it would prevent other media apps using the remote control. There are, in fact, a number of popular media players that suffer from this exact problem, and it can be quite a nuisance.

This app is, in essence, an unsecured web server. It is not really intended for use in hostile environments.

The user interface is currently English-language only.

The part of Android Music Server that responds to HTTP requests and plays audio (i.e., most of it) is implemented as an Android background service. It is therefore less prone to automatic unloading than the user interface is. It's possible that Android might unload the user interface, whilst leaving the service running. This should be harmless, because when you restart the app, Android will not restart the service if it is still running. It's possible, in conditions of low memory, that Android will unload the service as well. In that case, Android is supposed to reload it when conditions improve, without user intervention. That process should also be transparent to the user except that, of course, whilst unloaded the service will not respond to HTTP requests. However, if the service is unloaded and reloading in this way, it will reinitialize, and the current playlist will be lost.

The Android API specifies an interface by which app can control audio equalizer settings, but manufacturers do not have to implement it in any useful way. That is, the controls may not be connected to anything. "Bass boost" is particularly flakey -- on some devices it has an adjustable strength, on some it is just an on/off control, and on some it has no effect at all. Devices that provide their own, vendor-specific audio enhancers frequently do not implement the Android audio API at all. In any event, I am aware of few Android devices where the stock equalizer really works well. On some devices, I'm told that the equalizer API does not even initialize properly.

Albums and tracks that appear in the search results are displayed either with, or without cover art -- the default is without. However, if you have recently browsed albums or tracks by cover, then covers will be included in search results as well.

Finally, in this long list of limitations, there's the fact that changing the orientation of the device (portrait/landscape) will probably cause the app to reload. Because it's deliberately completely stateless, this will clear the playlist and stop playback. So long as the UI isn't actually visible -- and, frankly, it's nothing much to look at -- this isn't a problem.

Legal and copying

Android Music Server is open-source, and released under the terms of the GNU Public Licence, version 3.0. It contains components from a number of different authors. Please see the individual source files for detailed licencing and redistribution rights. The button icons are from the Tango icon set, released under the germs of the GNU Public Licence, version 2.0.

Broadly, however, Android Music Server is free of charge and may be freely copied and distributed, so long as the original authors continue to be acknowledged.

I wrote Android Music Server server for my own use; I'm publishing it in case somebody else might get some benefit from it -- even if it's only to look at the source code and see how not to write an Android app. It might work for you, it might not. If it doesn't, you're very welcome to fix it.

Revision history

0.0.8 January 2023 Refactored for gradle build and API 31
0.0.7 November 2021 Improved app screen layout a little
0.0.6 October 2021 Stopped the app crashing when a genre is "null" in the media database.
0.0.5 June 12 2019 Various bug fixes related to later Android releases
0.0.4 April 18 2015 Added search facility, and preferences page
0.0.3 April 15 2015 Added on-device status display and controls, and equalizer page
0.0.2 April 12 2015 Added preliminary cover art, and genre/artist filtering support
0.0.1 April 3 2015 First release


Download APK (on GitHub, click "View raw" to get the actual APK file)