
Cannot read property '_bn' of undefined

torphix opened this issue · 7 comments


This error is occuring with the latest version of metaplex cli.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


Please details the step to reach this error. Also, screenshot to me your nfts-sources folder (I mean, not the files themselves, but the list of files).

Thanks for getting back to me..
I precisely followed all installation instructions of metaplex, solana cli and your package i ran all commands leading up to yarn start-dev and they worked great.

The issue is with the command start-dev, I looked at your scripts and the problem is with the command

ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-cli.ts create_candy_machine --env devnet --keypair ~/.config/solana/candyfactory-devnet.json --price 1

So it seems to be an issue with the metaplex client.. if you have any insights into how to fix this that would be awesome as there response rate is low..

Thank you again :)

I found the error by going back and debugging the metaplex code i bascially just had to do everything manually and it worked.. thanks

Hello @Henry8th! What exactly you had to do manually? How did you fix? I think this info is valuable, so please share if possible.

Wrong size? what do you mean by that?

Hi, torphix. Please share the way to fix this issue
What do you mean "As in megabytes"