event Object Passed in is null
jmichaelterenin opened this issue · 1 comments
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Please describe the issue.
I've had Lavacharts installed and used for many years. I recently had a requirement whereby I needed to access the event object for mouse coordinates when clicking on a point in the Combochart. I Was already using event.ready for doing some small UI changes to the resulting chart. I added the event.select and I am able to access the chart object.
However, in neither callback is the event object made available (is null). The injected script is below:
<script type="text/javascript">
function chartReady (event, chart) {
console.log('INSIDE chartReady', event);
$.each($('text'), function (index, label) {
var labelText = $(label).text();
if (labelText.indexOf('TT') == 0) {
labelText = '<tspan class="spread">'+labelText.substr(2)+'</tspan>';
if (labelText.split(' ').length == 2) {
labelText = '<tspan class="newday">'+labelText+'</tspan>';
function selectHandler (weirdNull, chart, data) {
// Useful for using chart methods such as chart.getSelection();
if (chart.getSelection().length == 1) {
@combochart('Spread', 'spreadgraph')
I see the code that does what you indicate in the docs:
*** Note: When the chart is rendered, your function will be wrapped with lava.event() which will give your function access to the event and chart objects. ***
google.visualization.events.addListener(this.chart, "ready", function(event) {
return lava.event(event, this, chartReady);
google.visualization.events.addListener(this.chart, "select", function(event) {
return lava.event(event, this, selectHandler);
Controller Code (chart creation code)
$linechart = Lava::ComboChart('Spread', $spreadlines,
'title' => 'Spread Graph',
'height' => 1200,
'width' => 1600,
'events' => [
'ready' => 'chartReady',
'select' => 'selectHandler'
I've searched for existing issues )open or closed) that experience this, but nothing is clearly stated indicating this as a problem.
Something I'm doing wrong?
I've gotten around the issue by adding a click handler for any chart interaction in the chartReady function, and adding the mouse X/Y coordinates to the element's dataset, to be picked up by the selectHandler function. If there's a simpler solution to my problem that provides the event object within chartReady and selectHandler, please share (anyone) at your convenience.