
Disabling pstates doesn't work on A8-4500M

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On Windows I use PSCheck to disable all pstates except 2.3ghz to lock it to boost. I tried using this to do it on Linux but disabling does nothing

I'm not sure it's been a while since I worked on this, have you tried this ? I think it supports bulldozer.

@kevinlekiller that also doesn't work

do you know how i can dump the MSRs on Windows ? I could then check the diff and see what register it edits

what wrmsr command would have i to use to set the minimum pstate to 1 (2.3ghz)

I'm not sure, it's bit 63 of MSRC001_0064 according to the manual, so you'd need to read that msr, store it in a variable, then modify bit 63 to 0 in that variable and write the data in the variable to that msr.

@kevinlekiller sudo rdmsr 0xc0010064 -f 63:63 returns 1