
Report AGESA version

Closed this issue · 3 comments

drws commented

There is a shortage of Linux tools that could report AMD's AGESA (AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture) version. Windows-based HWiNFO and AIDA64 reportedly have the ability, but I couldn't find any Linux-based solution.

I did a quick search in the Zen 3 PUB, but couldn't find anything to get the version, maybe there's something in some of the other documentation available?

Unfortunately, those Windows tools are all proprietary (CPU-Z included) ; no source code, impossible to know how they're doing it without reverse engineering which is not something I want to do.

Going to close, since I can't find any information on how to get the AGESA version.

inxi shows a lot of info, but not the AGESA version: sudo inxi -F

drws commented

@kevinlekiller apparently more information was available all along. If you're still interested in this please also see RyzenAdj and inxi issues.