
Some shaders are incompatible with each other when enabled.

kevinlekiller opened this issue · 2 comments

As mentioned in the README, the shaders are all run in 1 pass, which causes this issue.

I've been looking into and trying (unsuccesfully) to get the shaders to run individually (in pairs of frag + vert) which should solve this issue.

An update on this issue:

I've been trying for the past months to resolve this problem, I understand where I'm failing, but not sure how to succeed.

I've tried various things, but here's where I'm at:

Set a pointer to the current framebuffer for later use (GLFramebuffer::currentFramebuffer())
Creating a texture using GLTexture, creating (/ attaching the texture to) a FBO using GLFramebuffer.
Copying the current frame buffer to the FBO (blitFromFramebuffer).
Binding the FBO (to make it the current render target) (GLFramebuffer::pushFramebuffer).
Binding the shader. (calls glUseProgam(shader))
Setting the shader uniforms.
Binding the texture.
Rendering the window (effects->paintWindow()) ; This is then rendered to the FBO since it was bound.
Unbinding the texture.
Unbind the shader (stops using the shader program).

At this point, if I blit the previous framebuffer to the FBO (copy the FBO to the framebuffer effects->paintWindow() uses), that works fine. Then I unbind the FBO to return the previous framebuffer as the current one.

Where things don't work is if I try doing another shader pass, the buffer effects->paintWindow() reads from is not the same as the one it writes to, so the first shader pass is ignored.

I tried manually setting the read/write buffers ( and blitting but didn't succeed.

If I could figure out how to update the read buffer effects->paintWindow() between each shader pass then I could succeed.

Reading the source code of effects->paintWindow(), and backtracking, this is the final function that is called, but I can't see figured out which buffer it uses or if it can be updated:

Another thing I tried is runnng effects->paintWindow() first, then using texture->render(), but this only ended up in a single color being rendered to a quarter of the screen.

Anyways, will keep trying things, hopefully will resolve this eventually.