
There seems a bug in the implementation of decrypt algorithm

tulipper opened this issue · 0 comments

In the file "", the decrypt algorithm calls solve_dlog_bsgs to find the descrete logorithm:

Line134: return solve_dlog_bsgs(t2, t1, max_innerprod+1)

This function implements the "baby-step, giant-step" algorithm. Its complexity should be O(\sqrt(max_innerprod + 1)), But the function looks like this:

def solve_dlog_bsgs(g, h, dlog_max):
  Attempts to solve for the discrete log x, where g^x = h, using the Baby-Step 
  Giant-Step algorithm. Assumes that x is at most dlog_max.

  alpha = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(dlog_max))) + 1
  g_inv = g ** -1
  tb = {}
  for i in range(alpha + 1):
    tb[(g ** (i * alpha)).__str__()] = i
    for j in range(alpha + 1):
      s = (h * (g_inv ** j)).__str__()
      if s in tb:
        i = tb[s]
        return i * alpha + j
  return -1

The loop over j in the function is nested inside the loop over i, which means that the function still needs to make as many as \sqrt(max_innerprod + 1) loops. So it's not actually more efficient than function solve_dlog_naive, even though it performs correctly.
From my testing, the correct BSGS algorithm can be achieved by simply unindenting j's loop so that it is parallel to i's loop.

This is just my view and it might not be entirely right. I hope it helps, though.