
How can i train my datas? ths

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when i train my datas i face the problem.
qq 20160117165507

Lenovo caffe-cvprw15-master-image-retrieval-test # sh examples/cvprw15-cifar10/
examples/cvprw15-cifar10/ 1: examples/cvprw15-cifar10/ ../../build/tools/caffe: not found

Go to the folder /examples/cvprw15-cifar10, and run the training script:
$ cd /examples/cvprw15-cifar10
$ ./

It works!
I konw the problem of GPU(GT 635M), I get the problem. Can i use the CPU only ? ths! I try again

Hi @sunyinhui
Do you mean you want to train with CPU? Two things you need to do.

1.Modify the solver
$ vi solver_CIFAR10_48.prototxt
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< before
14 snapshot_prefix: "KevinNet_CIFAR10_48"
14 snapshot_prefix: "KevinNet_CIFAR10_48"
15 solver_mode: CPU
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after

2.Modify the training script
$ vi
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< before
../../build/tools/caffe ..... -gpu 0 2>&1 | tee log.txt
../../build/tools/caffe ..... 2>&1 | tee log.txt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after

It works. Thank you for your enthusiastic