

Primary LanguageNextflow


Nextflow workshop completed during residential training programme in December 2021 as part of the PhD Programme in Genomics Data Science.

Scripts written for Nextflow v21.04.1 https://github.com/nextflow-io/nextflow/releases/download/v21.04.1/nextflow

main.nf implements bulk RNA-seq analysis using Kallisto, including:

  • fastQC and multiQC.
  • The option to generate a transcriptome and/or an indexed transcriptome or pass one to the script (using params.transcriptome or params.index). This option is provided through the use of ternary operators and conditionals.
  • RNA quantification using kallisto quant.

This also implements continuous implementation to test main.nf using a minimal dataset.

To run:

nextflow pull kevinpryan/rtp_workshop
nextflow run -r dev kevinpryan/rtp_workshop