
Layouts in a Flexible Content Field are broken when this plugin is active

jenniferaslan opened this issue · 2 comments

I have this plugin installed alongside Advanced Custom Fields Pro.

When this plugin is not active, all the layouts in my Flexible Content field are editable and you can see their names:

correct editable layouts

When this plugin is active, all the layouts in my Flexible Content field become uneditable and their names are all just “Layout.”

broken uneditable layouts

When I click the down arrow at the right end of any of them, nothing happens and if I click “Add Layout” on any of them, the page refreshes and a message appears in a green box that says, “Field group updated.”

field group updated message

This happens to any Flexible Content field that I create, even in a different Field Group. This essentially makes this plugin unusable for me.

@kevinruscoe Are you open to a PR for this? I found this same issue and forked for a temporary fix and it was due to the input.js being loaded on field groups when its only needed (from what I could see) when displaying the field on the post edit pages.

@jonpxpx of course mate, open a PR amd I'll try and get it sorted over the weekend