
A tiny (424 bytes) signals/reactivty library.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A very tiny reactive library, highly inspired by Reactively.

  • Signals-based observers
  • Only 424 bytes (minified and brotlified)
  • Fine grained updates (updates only when necessary)
  • Computations are lazy by default
  • Auto depedency tracking
  • Easy and predictable


npm install xsig


import { Sig, tick, autoTick } from "xsig";

// A "data source".
const number = new Sig(1);

// A "memo" that executes only when `double.val` is read.
const double = new Sig(() => number.val * 2);

// An "effect" that executes only if `double` changes.
const effect = new Sig(() => {
  console.log("double is: " + double.val);
  return () => {
    /* clean up code if needed */
}, /* here we se true to specify that is an effect */ true);

// logs "double is: 4".

// does nothing.

// if you don't want to call `tick()` everytime
// you can setup a microtask scheduler:

// logs "double is: 0" *almost instantly*
number.val = 0;

// To stop an effect later just set a value.
setTimeout(() => {
  effect.val = null;
}, 5000);