
Rename Artboards based on their X and Y locations in Sketch

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Rename Artboards for Sketch.

Rename Artboards based on their X and Y locations in Sketch

I kept going mental when renaming artboards to be clean and understandable for exports in Zeplin, Jira or Dropbox. And I wanted to impress the next designer to open document with my 'dedication to neatly renaming artboards skills'. My Sketch pages are named like for function groups like A - Homepage, story numbers ABC-1234 or Archived.

This plugin does this

  • Add a prefix to the arboard name. The plugin keeps everything before the first space in the page name. So the prefix will be something like this A, ABC-1234 or Archived.
  • Automatically number them. Row 0 artboard 0, Row 0 Artboard 1. Etc etc.
  • Re-arrange their list order in Sketch.
  • Remove the 'Copy 19' tags. (other plugins do this but now I can delete those or skip a shortcut)
  • Maintain the original artboard name.

I didn't need this / stuff this plugin does NOT do.

  • Find and replace stuff for layer names.
  • Re-positions the artboards in a neet way. Use this Artboard Manager

So if you actually read all that. You noticed that this plugin was build for a specific group of people. Those who use Artboard Manager and also like structure in their page names.



Download the zip

  1. Download and open align-and-resize-to-layout-master.zip
  2. Double click on the plugin and open up Sketch.

How to Use

Select Plugins ▸ Rename Artboards in the Sketch menu bar or use the keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
CTRL + ALT + + COMMAND + P Renames all artboards on the currently active page.

Version history

  • 0.1 Added first version of the plugin