
My Links DIsappeared

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Today all my Quick Links disappeared.

Here is a screenshot from the console showing an error message


My Quick Links also disappeared. I noticed that Google installed a new version of Chrome this morning:

Google Chrome is up to date
Version 70.0.3538.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I'm having the exact same issue on Opera

Loaded Gmail Quick Links
chrome-extension://e…links.bundle.js:291 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null
at injectReact (chrome-extension://e…links.bundle.js:291)
at chrome-extension://e…links.bundle.js:347

I'm also seeing this in Firefox, but there aren't any JS errors in the console following the "Loaded Gmail Quick Links" statement. There are quite a few Content Security Policy warnings and errors though.

Did everyone's issues start today? It looks like we have the same basic issue in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

All my Quick Links were fine at 22:00 Eastern yesterday. They had all disappeared by about 06:00 today.

It looks like Gmail updated it's classes due to a new UI change. I know what the issue is and I can have this fixed tonight and will push out a new release.

Fixed in v0.3.7

Works for me, now after updating the Chrome extension to 0.3.7 :)

Works for me. Thank you SO MUCH kevinwucodes!!

I have to recreate my Quicklinks though. Is that expected? I had previously removed and readded Quicklings though. So maybe that's the reason.