
Feature Request - Export and Import of Quick Links

Opened this issue · 6 comments

My rationale is that Quick Links gets broken every time Google changes their Gmail UI and everyone's Quick Links get lost. Allowing an Export / Import would allow us to reimport them. Maybe the backup could be either a Google Docs/spreadsheet within a folder called Gmail Quicklinks with a standard name or a text file that the user is responsible for remembering. Or maybe it could be in a bookmark folder.

Currently, I have bookmarks for all my Quicklinks within my Bookmarks Bar (the folder is called Gmail Searches) but not everyone does that.

At a minimum, at least have an export so that each user can have a text file of their Quick Links so that they are easier to recreate. Maybe the readme should reference that it's a good idea to have a backup because you lose them whenever Google changes their Gmail UI.

I don't usually lose them but on this occasion I did.

@Zanatoo I didn't lose my quick links after I upgraded. I check this on both Chrome and Firefox and I was still able to access my saved quick links. I suspect you may have lost them if you uninstalled the extension and reinstalled it. When you uninstall a Chrome web extension, all of the Synced data is removed from your Chrome logged-in account.

@jeff9315 this is a great idea. I don't know what it'll take to develop this feature but I'll look into it. If you're interested in developing this feature, I'll be more than happy to accept a pull request! Thanks!

Sorry, but I just don't have the skills to do this.

@Zanatoo I didn't lose my quick links after I upgraded. I check this on both Chrome and Firefox and I was still able to access my saved quick links. I suspect you may have lost them if you uninstalled the extension and reinstalled it. When you uninstall a Chrome web extension, all of the Synced data is removed from your Chrome logged-in account.

I didn't do anything different. They were there, I upgraded chrome, restarted it, and they were gone. It's not a major hassle for me to re-add them.

Sorry, it looks like I introduced a bug in version v0.3.12. The latest version of v0.3.13 fixes this disappearing quick links issue which will restore your previous gmail links prior v0.3.12. The gap between v0.3.12 and v0.3.13 was about 12 days and if you so happen to have created a new link between those 12 days, you would need to re-add that link.