
Facebook-Scraper gets "Temporarily banned" but Firefox is working - Identical setup

plerche opened this issue · 2 comments

Issue Facebook-Scraper gets "Temporarily banned" but Firefox is working.
Same profile, same cookie, same IP, same user-agent.
Why is the crawler getting banned but not my normal firefox ?

Same, wondering if this is a bug. exceptions.TemporarilyBanned triggers when it detects a response containing:

temp_ban_titles = [ "you can't use this feature at the moment", "you can't use this feature right now", "you’re temporarily blocked", ]

Maybe facebook occasionally gives these errors but it doesn't mean anything immediately. Or maybe being overly cautious is the right idea to avoid more serious consequences to the account.

I believe this isn't a bug. I've my two accounts banned "temporarily". The thing is when you are temporarily banned, you will be seeing a red dialog box like this when visiting redirecting url of the post you wanna scrape.
You could still log in to your account and do other stuff just fine. However, Facebook did "ban" my account by showing incorrect account / password even if I entered the right one. I suppose a login ban may be imposed if I cross the line once again. Be cautious and stay safe =P