
Scraping with Cookies return Nothing

fashan7 opened this issue · 3 comments


from facebook_scraper import get_posts
for post in get_posts('100070464731127', pages=3, timeout=90, cookies="cookies.txt"):
     print(post) #return nothing after exiting the loop
from facebook_scraper import get_posts
for post in get_posts('erbil.bel', pages=3, timeout=90, cookies="cookies.txt"):
     print(post) #return nothing after exiting the loop
for post in get_posts("akabarkarbala",options={"comments": True, "reactions": True,"allow_extra_requests": True},extra_info=True, pages=10, cookies="cookies.txt"):
    print(post) #return nothing after exiting the loop

Any other way to scrape using this library, Or am i missing something

@neon-ninja or @kevinzg or Any other #contributer has any insight on this issue?

I installed the latest V for test

I'm having the same issue

@fashan7 @camwest5 Please check my fork of this, it does return the full posts with most info :