
Error parsing commandline option lua: option not found

oemmerson opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I get the below error message on the current stable version of Ubuntu (14.04).

Error parsing commandline option lua: option not found

Exiting... (Fatal error)'

Does this mean the version of mpv that Ubuntu installs wasn't compiled with lua scripting support?
I have tried installing lua5.1 and then lua5.2 but get the same error message.


Yes, Ubuntu refuses to fix their packaging error for 6 months now. I guess their LTS policy is to leave it broken or something dumb even though it's just a one line fix that doesn't even touch the source.

You can either build from source, or use this ppa.

Hi, Sorry for not responding for so long. For some reason I didn't get a notification from Github.
I'll try building from source and see how I get on.