Meme generator svelte app that calls imgflip's API and generates different images at the user's request.
User should be able to:
- Customize the meme's text
- Generate a random image for the meme
- Choose meme image from a dropdown menu
- Download the image with a button
- Svelte
- HTML markup
- Javascript
- How to work with an API using onMount
- Binding values to inputs to change an object's property
- CSS positioning
- Reactivity declarations for debugging
// You can use the $ to check the state of the object meme changing
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
let meme = {
topText: '',
bottomText: '',
randomImage: '',
// Every time the user types in the input box, the console will log the newly updated object
$: console.log(meme);
div class="form">
<input type="text" placeholder="Top Text" bind:value={meme.topText} />
placeholder="Bottom Text"
<button on:click={getMemeImage}>Get a new meme image 🖼</button>
Clone this repository and install the dependencies...
git clone my-app
cd my-app
npm install
npm run dev
- Website -
- GitHub - @kevmok
- Twitter - @hustlerBoxer