
Study the EASYMODE Layouts provided located inside the easymode/ directory of this project. Be sure you are viewing the images at Actual Size (100%) e.g. not zoomed in (> 100%) or out (<100%).

Set-up (fork, clone, navigate, start Server)

After forking and cloning this repository, navigate to it in your Command-Line and run a server with the http-server command.

Commit often, you may create additional feature branches and use them for practice but it's not mandatory. Do commit often!


  1. Write the Markup for the layout in index.html. A file has been provided to you with copy-text, look inside the unformatted_text.txt file for the text.
  2. Create an external stylesheet in the styles directory. Link to the stylesheet in your index.html
  3. Add a CSS Reset and CSS Clearfix to your styles.
  4. Import the Google fonts used in the layout: Oswald Regular, Lato Regular
  5. Add the viewport meta tag to the head of your markup to make sure your styles are preserved for all media sizes:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

  1. Style the responsive layouts, keeping in mind each media query range:
  • 769px and up
  • 481px to 768px
  • 480px and down
  1. Don't forget to style 'hover' styles.

Advanced Mode:

  1. Add fancy animations with CSS3 properties
  1. add a dropdown nav as a child element of one of the main nag items. Style it at different media queries (you need non-hover versions for tablet and mobile sizes)

ask for HARDMODE...

to do layout version 2. (make this a new branch).