
Edited appointments add unconfirmed "organizer" attendee

hfball opened this issue · 10 comments

hfball commented

Describe the problem and steps to reproduce it:

Create an appointment and edit it, or edit an already existing appointment created in another app.

What happened?

Appointment is marked as tentative upon save and there is no way to change it back to confirmed in the T-bird interface. I have to go to Google Calendar on the web and answer "yes" to the "attending?" prompt to get it back to a confirmed appointment. Simply changing the status from "tentative" to "confirmed" in the Thunderbird event editing dialog and saving does not take.

What did you expect to happen?

I expected the event to remain confirmed. I expect that should it not remain tentative when changing from "tentative" to "confirmed" in the "options" menu of the "Edit event" dialog.

Anything else we should know?

Ideally, I would like a working prompt for "attending?" in Thunderbird for the event that I can reply "yes" to, but understand that this may be difficult to integrate. But definitely I want the appointment to keep its status upon editing.

Can you enable debugging and provide logs on saving the event in Thunderbird? To enable logging, see the main README.

hfball commented

Screenshot 2023-10-16 083828
Screenshot 2023-10-16 084040
After editing, there is an "awaiting" attendee. It's me. I have to click "Yes" that I am going before the event returns to confirmed status. This means I have to open up Google Calendar on the web to fix the problem.

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have logged anything other than a timezone mismatch.

hfball commented

On editing in Lightning, it appears in Thunderbird as "confirmed." The problem is Google Calendar doesn't agree. It thinks there is a missing attendee who hasn't responded. It also shows up on my phone as tentative.