
DelphesROOT_EDM4HEP failes

Closed this issue · 7 comments


I was testing DelphesROOT_EDM4HEP, but it looks like I cannot read truth level information created by Delphes 3.5 using this binary file. I use:


on el9. First I was using Delphes 3.5 with the supplied cards/gen_card.tcl which fills truth-level "particle" record.

This gives me "truth.root"

Then I checked

DelphesROOT delphes_card_IDEA.tcl test_RECO.root truth.root

It works fine. Then I ran:

DelphesROOT_EDM4HEP card_IDEA.tcl edm4hep.tcl test_EDM.root truth.root

It suck on 1st events (without error)

best, Sergei

Hi Sergei,

Thanks for the report. Could you provide us the truth.root and edm4hep.tcl files for debugging? Since it is working with Delphes, I am suspecting either a bug in our reader, or an issue in the configuration.

Hi, Thomas

Please try this file:

It was made with Delphes 3.5 using the card cards/gen_card.tcl. It works with the original Delphes, but fails with DelphesROOT_EDM4HEP


Sorry, I've forgotten. My edm4hep.tcl for this example looks like this:

 module EDM4HepOutput EDM4HepOutput {
    add ReconstructedParticleCollections EFlowTrack EFlowPhoton EFlowNeutralHadron
    add GenParticleCollections           Particle
    add JetCollections                   Jet
    add MuonCollections                  Muon
    add ElectronCollections              Electron
    add PhotonCollections                Photon
    set RecoParticleCollectionName       ReconstructedParticles
    set MCRecoAssociationCollectionName  MCRecoAssociations

I couldn't exactly reproduce a hanging behavior, but we definitely had a bug in the DelphesROOT_EDM4HEP executable, such that it never entered the event loop. I have opened #125 with a simple fix. Can you check whether that fixes things for you?

Hi, Thomas

Thanks, exactly, it never starts the loop over events. Should I just use

source /cvmfs/

for checking?

best, Sergei

Hi Sergei, the changes should be available from the nightlies tomorrow. (The setup script you use is the correct one)

Hi, Thomas

Thanks. It looks like it works now. At least it loops over events. I'll check the outputs.

best, Sergei