
CLD LumiCal overlaps

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Found while checking #369 for overlaps

Introduced in CLD_o2_v06, or earlier?

-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with mother volume !
          Overlap is detected for volume LumiCal_module_0:0 (G4Tubs) with its mother volume LumiCal_envelope (G4UnionSolid)
          protrusion at mother local point (-35.2398,78.6521,1187.17) by 12.6567 um  (max of 1716 cases)
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with mother volume !
          Overlap is detected for volume LumiCal_module_1:1 (G4Tubs) with its mother volume LumiCal_envelope (G4UnionSolid)
          protrusion at mother local point (34.9517,92.3643,-1186.12) by 12.6567 um  (max of 1710 cases)
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with mother volume !
          Overlap is detected for volume LumiCalInstrumentation_module_0:0 (G4Tubs) with its mother volume LumiCalInstrumentation_envelope (G4UnionSolid)
          protrusion at mother local point (-60.9351,85.4675,1187.55) by 12.6567 um  (max of 808 cases)
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with mother volume !
          Overlap is detected for volume LumiCalInstrumentation_module_1:1 (G4Tubs) with its mother volume LumiCalInstrumentation_envelope (G4UnionSolid)
          protrusion at mother local point (-95.0968,55.0869,-1188.07) by 12.6567 um  (max of 776 cases)
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with volume already placed !
          Overlap is detected for volume LumiCalCooling_envelope_9:9 (G4UnionSolid) with InnerTrackers_12:12 (G4Polycone)
          overlap at local point (160.571,0.138291,1071.72) by 875.564 um  (max of 29 cases)
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with mother volume !
          Overlap is detected for volume LumiCalCooling_module_0:0 (G4Tubs) with its mother volume LumiCalCooling_envelope (G4UnionSolid)
          protrusion at mother local point (-120.87,0.468095,1188.45) by 12.6567 um  (max of 392 cases)
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomVol1002
      issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps()
Overlap with mother volume !
          Overlap is detected for volume LumiCalCooling_module_1:1 (G4Tubs) with its mother volume LumiCalCooling_envelope (G4UnionSolid)
          protrusion at mother local point (-116.352,29.6443,-1188.39) by 12.6567 um  (max of 383 cases)
NOTE: Reached maximum fixed number -1- of overlaps reports for this volume !
*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------