
Bug: Missing Locale translation (German)

VijoPlays opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
When using Keycloak's redirect to log into a web app, the locales work, but the German one is missing a translation.

Expected behavior
It should say something along the lines of "Melden Sie sich an" or "Melden Sie sich in Ihrem Konto an", instead of "Sign in to your account".


Clickable screenshot

@VijoPlays this should be a bug for the keycloak project and not the keycloak-nodejs-admin-client. I think the text should be "Bei Ihrem Konto anmelden" as defined in the don't know why it doesn't work for the title

Yeah, this is the only project I can create Issues in, so I just had to dump it in here. Feel free to move it or make a new one in the proper project :)

right keycloak doesn't use github issues but jira you can create an issue here: