Bug: Missing Locale translation (German)
VijoPlays opened this issue · 3 comments
Describe the bug
When using Keycloak's redirect to log into a web app, the locales work, but the German one is missing a translation.
Expected behavior
It should say something along the lines of "Melden Sie sich an" or "Melden Sie sich in Ihrem Konto an", instead of "Sign in to your account".
@VijoPlays this should be a bug for the keycloak project and not the keycloak-nodejs-admin-client. I think the text should be "Bei Ihrem Konto anmelden" as defined in the messages_de.properties
don't know why it doesn't work for the title
Yeah, this is the only project I can create Issues in, so I just had to dump it in here. Feel free to move it or make a new one in the proper project :)
right keycloak doesn't use github issues but jira you can create an issue here: https://issues.redhat.com/projects/KEYCLOAK