
RolesRepresentation should be used as type for roles in RealmRepresentation

vidi42 opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

As defined in the REST API documentation the RealmRepresentation.roles field should be of type RolesRepresentation supporting multiple roles.

However, the roles field is wrongly declared with the type RoleRepresentation which is just for a single role.

Expected behavior

A workaround for this is to declare a new CustomRealmRepresentation type which replaces the type of roles to a custom type.

export type CustomRealmRepresentation = Omit<RealmRepresentation, 'roles'> & { roles: { realm: { name: string }[] } };
//you can create your own RolesRepresentation according to and use that to define the roles

Then use the new makeRequest method to create a realm using the new type

const realmRepresentation : CustomRealmRepresentation = newRealmRepresentation();

const createRequest = await keycloakClient.realms.makeRequest({ method: 'POST', returnResourceIdInLocationHeader: { field: 'realmName' } });