
installing using CocoaPods

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello, when I tried install through CocoaPods I get this message "Unable to find a specification for GradientCircularProgress"

any help

keygx commented

Please try
$ sudo rm -rf ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
$ pod setup

still same problem

keygx commented

The error is a thing of CocoaPods.
Are you the installation of the other libraries in CocoaPods?

Yes I'm able to install any other pods. I tried to install it in different project but still the same problem.

keygx commented

Is PodFile written rightly?

pod 'GradientCircularProgress', :git => ''

this is the error im getting

[!] Error installing GradientCircularProgress
[!] /usr/bin/git clone
GradientCircularProgress /var/folders/r4/1gpqklzd6ls973ytrs0qy9880000gn/T/d20160705-47171-1oclnv2 --template= --single-branch --depth 1

Cloning into '/var/folders/r4/1gpqklzd6ls973ytrs0qy9880000gn/T/d20160705-47171-1oclnv2'...
fatal: unable to access '
GradientCircularProgress/': Illegal characters found in URL