keyids to users: 1:1 or 1:N ?
philpennock opened this issue · 2 comments
With Keybase, we would have multiple proofs for our Keybase identity, so keyid:public-identifier was a 1:many relationship. With, I am getting an error when I try to add any key after the first.
I can find no clear statement in the docs as to whether or not we should be creating a new keyid for each public identity (1:1) or including multiple public identifiers in the sigchain for one keyid. Which is it supposed to be, please?
time="2020-05-14T05:43:19.583252809Z" level=error msg="finished unary call with code Unknown" error="failed to generate user statement: user set in sigchain already" grpc.code=Unknown grpc.method=UserAdd grpc.service=service.Keys grpc.start_time="2020-05-14T05:43:19Z" grpc.time_ms=148.718 peer.address="" span.kind=server system=grpcIn this case, the keyid is kex1g4x72y80l8vhtzsy9fchpj4fx4nzyzcrmmukmm37lz02cvavm9mshq6gx5
and I've tried adding a Reddit proof
and had tried a Twitter proof before that (since deleted, since it didn't work).
Am I doing something very wrong?
is 0.0.45 2a859beaec195f67b14448f9c7a6edec1dada32c
on Linux, and I just tried a keys/keysd built from source at git revision 60eff28aa8d0920def33f474f7c622ae3bcaa5bc
which did not help.
I'm running keys inside a Docker container setup I threw together, at
Yeah I am explicitly enforcing that only 1 user statement links to a single key but we will probably open that up at some point hopefully soon?
I also want to allow for new ("sub"?) keys (like device keys) to be created/published in the sigchain, and allow for revoking them as well, for example, if a device was lost or unprovisioned.
Thank you so much for this project @gabriel!
Is the plan to still keep the one master key and only allow it to sign subkeys / device keys, or any device will be able to provision another one as well (Keybase-style)?