
What access permissions are necessary for login with token?

johnnychen94 opened this issue · 5 comments

I'd like to try this mini program but I'm not sure what access permissions should I give when creating a new token
All checked seems to be overkill.

My guess is:

  • Repo: all
  • user: all
  • notification: all

But looks like it's not enough, at least the issue list is not displayed normally; only several outdated issues are listed. -- not sure if this is a bug or caused by wrong token settings.

I'd like to try this mini program but I'm not sure what access permissions should I give when creating a new token
All checked seems to be overkill.

My guess is:

  • Repo: all
  • user: all
  • notification: all

But looks like it's not enough, at least the issue list is not displayed normally; only several outdated issues are listed. -- not sure if this is a bug or caused by wrong token settings.

Thanks for your interest in this project, I think your guess is right and the listed scopes are enough, I believe it's a bug here, thanks for reporting this, I'll try to fix it in the next version :)

Hi @johnnychen94 I've just fixed this bug and submitted to WeChat for review, it should be available tomorrow :) I've also added a feature that shows contributors in repository detail page, please give it a try tomorrow and feel free to feed back here, thanks :)


Hi @johnnychen94 , the new version that fixes this bug is released just now, please give it a try, if it doesn't work, please make sure exit the mini program completely and restart, thanks again for reporting this. I'm closing this for now

Looks like it still doesn't work.

I've deleted this mini-program and rescanned the QR code to open it. -- I guess this means "exit the mini program completely and restart"
I've also regenerated an all-permitted token to login. -- this issue is not related to limited token permission.

Perhaps it's just because of a server-side update delay, I'll check it later today. @kezhenxu94

I can provide more information if you need.


That's weird, if it still doesn't work, feel free to reopen this issue