
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This library simplifies integrating SignNow's eSignature platform into your existing applications. It is still under development but we welcome you to try it and provide feedback at api@signnow.com.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'signnow-sdk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install signnow-sdk


Configure your Rails application to load your OAuth credentials when it starts:

Add a YAML config file to /config

   # Your app's Oauth credentials provided by your account manager
   client_id: 0fccdbc73581ca0f9bf8c379e6a96813
   client_secret: 3719a124bcfc03c534d4f5c05b5a196b

   base_url: https://capi-eval.signnow.com
   signing_base_url: https://eval.signnow.com

Add signnow.rb to /config/initializers with the following

require 'signnow'

SN::Settings.load("#{::Rails.root}/config/signnow.yml", Rails.env)