
Add further options: 3" reels, 24/48 & 16/48, 15/16ips

kfrn opened this issue · 10 comments

kfrn commented

Per Corey Bailey:

  • Diameter: 3" - DONE (91be831)
  • Type: 4-channel (quadraphonic) moved to #5

Per Shai Drori & Brecht Declercq (AMIA-L)

  • different sampling frequencies and bit depths, e.g. 16/48 or 24/48. - DONE (ea109c7)

Per Stefano S. Cavaglieri (IASA-L):

  • additional replay speed of 15/16 ips (0.9375ips) - DONE (0a33cd7)
kfrn commented

Added recording speed of 15/16ips in 0a33cd7

kfrn commented

Added different bit-depth/sampling-freq combos as dropdown on the total row in d4c1365.


Not ready for deploy yet, since I should also update the text on the info page.

What do you mean by «tailleur»?

P.S. – metric and imperial need also to be translated.

kfrn commented

Oppps - typo, I meant "taille" not "tailleur"! It's probably because I sew, lol. I need to remember to check these things against dictionary/google translate. But let me know if "taille" is not the right word to refer to file size.

En français, dirait-on 'métrique' ou 'SI'? Pour "imperial", ce qui est mieux, "impérial" ou "britannique"?
IT: metrico e imperiale?

As always, thank you, @retokromer !

  • «taille» is very fine
  • strictly speaking, «metric» and «SI» are not identical (I guess, «SI» is correct, but I will check what is more widely used)
  • I have to check about «impérial» and «britannique» (I don’t use that in my daily life ;-)
  • I will check also the Italian saying
  • FR: The most used terms seems to be unités impériales and unités métriques. That’s probably too long, therefore I would suggest to use just the adjective in singular impérial and métrique.
  • IT: The most used terms seems to be sistemi anglosassoni (plural!) and sistema internazionale, but I would suggest imperiale and metrico as well.
kfrn commented

Thanks! I found various terms, but wasn't sure what was idiomatic, and of course here I prefer a short term. Since I'm using adjectives in English too, those match nicely. Fixed in a60c857

(Haha, yes, in my country we are sensible and use the metric system, not "the one with inches and feet" aka "imperial" 😉 ).

kfrn commented

Different sampling frequencies/bit-depths now done as of ea109c7

kfrn commented

3" reels now added in 91be831
Will double-check with Corey Bailey! - approved.
closing this issue!